If you’re a parent of a child with Down syndrome, your unique story has the power to bring hope to parents whose child has just received a Down syndrome diagnosis.
One of Hope Story’s primary goals is to connect every OB/GYN in America to a family raising a child with Down syndrome; we call these parents, “Hope Advocates.”
We are signing up Hope Advocates to help bring hope to others and be a resource to the medical community. Every Hope Advocate recieves a personzlized Hope Kit packed with resources. Read below to learn more about the Hope Kit, or click here to sign up to become a Hope Advocate and join hundrends of parents across the United States who have commited to use thier story to make a difference in the life of a new parent.
- To share resources with their OB/GYN that will help them deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis with confidence, accuracy, and hope.
- To help OB/GYN’s move Down syndrome from the textbook to heart as they get an opportunity to learn more about what life is like raising a child with Down syndrome through a personalized relationship with a Hope Advocate.
- To be a resource for parents who have recently received a Down syndrome diagnosis
Hope Kit
As a Hope Advocate, You Will Receive a Personalized Hope Kit Which Includes the Following Items
Hope Anouncements
A personalized greeting card which includes your child’s picture and highlights from the current year. The Hope Announcements are to be given to your OB/GYN to help them learn more about what life is like raising a child with Down syndrome. Hope Advocates can receive updated cards every year.

Hope Cards
A personalized business card with the Hope Advocate’s picture and contact information that they can give to their OB/GYN, who in turn can pass along to a patient whose child has a new Down syndrome diagnosis.

Resources To Be Delivered To Their OB/GYN
A Hope Story welcome letter, How to deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis, a preferred language guide, a Hope Booklet.
Resources for the Hope Advocate
A Hope Story welcome letter, a handout with tips on how to talk to a parent whose child has just received a Down syndrome diagnosis, a Hope Booklet to give to a new parent, a letter from Hope Story to the new parent.
A Hope Advocate T-Shirt
Hope Advocate "Swag"
#IAmAHopeStory bands, Hope Story Stickers, and a “Ask Me My Story” button.
Hope Advocate Training
When you become a Hope Advocate, you become part of the Hope Story family. One of our goals is to help you share your story with medical professionals and parents whose child has received a Down syndrome diagnosis.
As a Hope Advocate you will receive:
- A training resource in your Hope Kit
- Access to our training video(s)
- Access to a private Facebook group specifically for Hope Advocates that gives you access to the Hope Story team, regular Facebook live training sessions hosted by members of our Board of Directors, medical professionals, educators, etc., and a place for you to interact with other Hope Advocates.
- A private email address for you to ask questions as you interact with your medical professionals and/or parents just receiving a Down syndrome diagnosis.
Check out this video to see the impact a Hope Advocate (that’s you!) can have on a parent whose child has a Down syndrome diagnosis.
Become a Hope Advocate
Are you ready to become a Hope Advocate and be a source of Hope to others?
Here’s how it works.
- A parent of a child with Down syndrome fills out a short form including information that allows us to create their personalized Hope Announcements and Hope Cards.
- Read the Hope Advocate training resources.
- Read over and agree to the Hope Story values.
- Gain immediate access to the Hope Story private Facebook group and introduce yourself.
- In approximately four weeks you will receive your Hope Kit.
- Deliver resources to your OB/GYN
- Wait to get a phone call from a parent whose child has just received a Down syndrome diagnosis!
Ready to use your story to bring hope to others?