About Us
Hope Story is a team of medical professionals and storytellers. We believe that stories have the ability to provide hope to others and change the world. At our core, we exist to help people learn to tell their stories and help them find opportunities to share their stories with people that need to hear it the most. We help medical professional deliver better stories to their patients.
We help medical professionals deliver hopeful stories to their patients. We connect parents whose child has received a new Down syndrome diagnosis to parents who have a child with Down syndrome so that they can receive, encouragement, support, and hope.
We believe a little bit of hope can go a long way.
So How Do We Do this?
There Are Three Main Groups That We Help
Parents whose child has received a Down syndrome diagnosis
When a new parent receives a Down syndrome diagnosis for their
child, they experience many emotions; fear, uncertainty, worry, disappointment, among others. We believe if a new parent can talk with someone who has a child born with Down syndrome, and hear their family’s story, that story can replace many of those feelings with hope. Just having someone who can say “I understand” and “You’re not alone” can bring comfort. We want to connect every parent who’s child is diagnosed with Down syndrome to a family raising a child with Down syndrome. We believe a little bit of hope can go a long way.

Parents Who Have a Child With Down Syndrome
A parent of a child born with Down syndrome has a unique story, and that story has the potential to bring hope to a parent whose child has recently received a Down syndrome diagnosis. Our desire is that every parent in the United States whose child receives a Down syndrome diagnosis can connect with a parent of a child with Down syndrome who is a little further down along in their story.
We do this by signing up Hope Advocates. A Hope Advocate receives a “Hope Kit” in the mail with a lots of really great resources. One of these resources are customized “Hope Announcements” that Hope Advocates can give to their medical professional as well as “Hope Advocate Contact Cards” that their medical professional can give to their patients.
We also provide ongoing training to a parents to help equip them to have a phone call with a parent who just receiving a diagnosis for their child.
We want to help parents raising learn to tell their story, then help them find opportunities to do so.
Medical professionals
Medical professionals don’t always receive specific training in medial school on how to deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis, In addition, most medical professionals don’t have a personal relationship with anyone with Down syndrome.
We solve both of these problems.
1. We provide free resources to medical professionals to help them deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis, with the best resource being a Hope Advocate. A Hope Advocate is a parent of a child with Down syndrome that is equipped to talk to parents whose child has just received a Down syndrome diagnosis. Medical professionals can give their patients the Hope Advocate’s contact information so that they can connect with a family a little further down the road.
2. Each year a Hope Advocate will bring to their medical OB/GYN a personalized “Hope Announcement” to help them get to know someone with Down syndrome on a personal leve.

Our Name

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Maecenas cursus finibus eros, eget fringilla ante. In gravida sagittis ullamcorper. Ut eu orci egestas, bibendum est nec, congue nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultrices libero nec nisl scelerisque tempus. Aliquam tempor lacus sed libero fermentum bibendum. Quisque in tortor nunc. Aliquam sed finibus lorem. Nunc non condimentum nisl. Quisque tellus metus, aliquam viverra placerat vel, blandit eget nisi. Donec aliquam bibendum lacinia. Praesent magna lorem, imperdiet vel quam in, aliquet dignissim magna. Donec sollicitudin eros eget velit vestibulum venenatis. Donec sagittis a tellus vitae tincidunt. Aenean eget hendrerit tortor.
Who We Are

Medical Advisory Board
Parent Advisory Board